OrangeTheory Fitness — Brand Identity

OrangeTheory Fitness


Client : OrangeTheory Fitness
Business : Gym
Location : London
Completed : 2023

One of the world’s most popular gym chains. OrangeTheory’s workouts are a unique form of coach-inspired, tech-tracked, high-intensity interval training. We were engaged to refresh the UK franchise’s strategy and overhaul all aspects of their brand identity.

We set out to capture the highly social and supportive culture that found at each individual gym. A culture that uses exercise to inspire members to pursue their joy outside the gym. Opening the door to new opportunities and experiences. This compelling narrative inspired the new, aspirational design strategy of ‘More life’.

The result is a flexible and dynamic identity system that reinvigorates one of the world’s most loved gym brands. A sharper and more deliberate visual language leverages existing recognition and allows the brand to scale in new ways. The identity is brought together through a modular system inspired by the Fibonacci sequence. Designed to create a structure of endless growth and progress it allows for easy implementation and endless flexibility. The whole identity is then brought to life in motion with looping animations. Creating a flexible brand system that is always on the move.

Brand Identity | Social Campaign | Website Design | Brand Application